Home>Product>High purity graphite>Graphite Bipolar Plat

Graphite Bipolar Plat

Mainly used in various forms of liquid flow batteries, hydrogen fuel cell internal current collection and conduction, electrolyte isolation, structural support and electrolyte flow management.
Fine and dense structure, good uniformity, high isotropy
Strong chemical resistance
Good electrical conductivity
Good permeability resistance

Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators Units Vulan Models
Hard graphite plate
Electrical Resistivity mΩ*cm 0.66
Surface Resistance mΩ*cm2 40
Contact Resistance mΩ·cm2@0.096Mpa 47.1567
Densities g/cm3 1.94
Rupture Strength Mpa 33.69
Shear Strength Mpa 39.25
Bending Strength Mpa 64.01
Note: 0.096Mpa is equal to 20% compression ratio.
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