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High Strength Plates
Carbon/carbon composite structural materials are particularly suitable for use in high temperature furnaces or in chemical processing technology in inert atmospheres or vacuum environments. The use of advanced 3D structural moulded sheets, machined by high quality processes and reliable diamond tooling equipment guarantees their structural strength in the operating environment. A high degree of reliability in use is ensured through non-destructive and destructive testing.
Performance Indicators
Performance IndicatorUnitNumerical Values
Flexural Strength(Mpa)161
Compressive Strength(Mpa)155 (丄)95(//)
Tensile Strength(Mpa)117
Thermal Expansion Factor10-6/℃8. 1 (丄)<1 (//)
Thermal ConductivityW/(m·K)6 (丄)35 (//)
Ash Content(Mass%)0.02

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